Scary crash!

A chilling moment has been captured when a volunteer helping at the Tour de Yorkshire on Sunday was almost crashed by a  Team Astana vehicle out of control. 

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Scary crash!

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Fortunately, the volunteer manages to dive away at the last minute and survives himself from danger.

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The accident happened when it came to the fourth, and final day of the event while cyclists were competing towards the finish line in Leeds. 

According to the video, a few cars can be seen driving after the cyclist while one of them suddenly loses s its control and moves towards Phillip Sullivan who was standing on the traffic island and waving a luminous flag to passing vehicles.

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Fortunately, the volunteer manages to dive away at the last minute and survives himself from danger. 

Sullivan said he was unhurt but left shaken after leaping out of the way and wanted to make sure the driver was without injury. 

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The race is one of the United Kingdom’s premier sports events holding annually since 2015. It draws millions of viewers and spectators from the world.