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Award presentation ceremony commends foster families and calls for participation to bring love and care for foster children


Award presentation ceremony commends foster families and calls for participation to bring love and care for foster children


Award presentation ceremony commends foster families and calls for participation to bring love and care for foster children

2024-05-05 14:35 Last Updated At:14:48

Join us in celebrating foster families at our award ceremony and help make a difference in the lives of foster children

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Chris Sun, today (May 5) officiated at the Foster Families Service Award Presentation Ceremony 2024, in which 260 families were awarded for their care, devotion and exceptional contributions to foster children. With participation from about 700 foster parents and children, this joyful reunion serves to call on more people to join the service with a view to bringing love and care for more needy children.

The Award Presentation Ceremony, jointly organised by the Social Welfare Department (SWD) and 11 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) subvented by the SWD for operating the foster care service, was themed "Amplifying Love through One-Plus-One" to promote the department's "one-plus-one" recruitment scheme for foster families.

Addressing the ceremony, Mr Sun called for support for the "one-plus-one" recruitment scheme and appealed to members of the public interested in serving needy children to submit applications together with their families and friends for taking care of the same foster child so that they can swiftly stand in for one another when any of them cannot assume the caring role due to temporary reasons. He said that such an approach not only promotes mutual support among peers and families, but also saves the need to arrange for a foster child to stay in an unfamiliar living environment.

Mr Sun said foster parents have made significant contributions to the protection of children's well-being. The Government has, since last month, substantially increased the incentive payment for foster families, with that for foster care service increasing from around $5,000 to about $11,000 per month, and that for emergency foster care service from around $6,600 to about $13,000 per month. Additional support will also be provided to foster families taking care of children with special learning or care needs. He hoped that these initiatives will impress upon foster families the support and appreciation for them in the community.

At the ceremony, Mr Sun and the Director of Social Welfare, Miss Charmaine Lee, presented long-service awards to 18 families which have been providing foster care service for more than 25 years. Close to 180 families which have been providing the service from five to 20 years were also awarded. Special awards were given to foster families with outstanding performances.

A video ( was featured at the ceremony to introduce how foster families can mutually support each other under the "one-plus-one" arrangement as they strive to provide a home for needy children that renders protection and shelter.

The SWD's Central Foster Care Unit was established in 1982 to oversee and co-ordinate the provision of foster care services provided by NGOs. Foster care aims at providing family-like care for children whose parents cannot provide proper care for them due to family problems. The children can therefore continue to enjoy family life until they can be reunited with their families or when other long-term welfare plans are arranged for them. Currently, there are about 980 registered foster families.

Members of the public who are interested in becoming foster parents may contact the SWD's Central Foster Care Unit at 2573 2282 during office hours.

Award presentation ceremony commends foster families and calls for participation to bring love and care for foster children  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

Award presentation ceremony commends foster families and calls for participation to bring love and care for foster children Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

Award presentation ceremony commends foster families and calls for participation to bring love and care for foster children  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

Award presentation ceremony commends foster families and calls for participation to bring love and care for foster children Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

Award presentation ceremony commends foster families and calls for participation to bring love and care for foster children  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

Award presentation ceremony commends foster families and calls for participation to bring love and care for foster children Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

Award presentation ceremony commends foster families and calls for participation to bring love and care for foster children  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

Award presentation ceremony commends foster families and calls for participation to bring love and care for foster children Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

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SJ to lead delegation to visit Middle East

2024-05-18 10:00 Last Updated At:10:08

Breaking news: sj to head delegation on high-stakes middle east visit

The Secretary for Justice, Mr Paul Lam, SC, will lead an about 30-strong delegation, comprising representatives from the Law Society of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Bar Association,the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited,Invest Hong Kong and related sectors, this afternoon (May 18) on a five-day visit to Riyadh in Saudi Arabia, and Abu Dhabi and Dubai in United Arab Emirates, to promote Hong Kong's legal and dispute resolution services and enhance co-operation and exchanges between Hong Kong and the Middle East.

During their visit, Mr Lam and the delegation will meet with local legal and business sectors to have a better understanding of their need for cross-jurisdictional legal services. They will also call on relevant government officials to discuss and exchange views on various areas of legal co-operation.

Mr Lam will speak to the local legal and business sectors during the visit, in Riyadh at a networking luncheon, and in Dubai at a half-day forum and a networking luncheon.

The visit to the Middle East is conducted with the support of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Dubai and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.

Mr Lam will conclude his visit and depart for Hong Kong on May 23. During Mr Lam's absence, the Deputy Secretary for Justice, Mr Cheung Kwok-kwan, will be the Acting Secretary for Justice.

Source: AI-generated images

Source: AI-generated images

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