Look what Taylor Swift's fan made her do.

One of Taylor Swift's fan, an expecting British woman named Stephanie has got an amazing surprise from her forever idol - A house! 

Stephanie has become homeless during 8 months of pregnancy because her flat was condemned for health and safety reasons and her boyfriend lost his job at the same time. 

Stephanie's mom told Swift the situation and asked her to make Stephanie feel special at her show in Manchester. But Swift's reaction was just so so special!

Photo credit: Kevin Mazur

Photo credit: Kevin Mazur

Stephanie shared her experience online: ‘After the show Taylor took us back to her dressing room where she told me, “Stephanie, You’ve been in my life for a long time and you’ve never asked me for anything. You could have reached out and I would have helped you. But you didn’t. Your mum told me.”

‘She told me she wanted to give me the money back for my ticket that night. What she actually did was help us buy a home and all I needed for my baby. She told me “I want you to be able to enjoy your little girl, not have to worry about all this stuff."

Photo credit: Kevin Winter

Photo credit: Kevin Winter

As a loyal fan, Stephanie has received much more than she expected: 'That night she gave me her hand and lifted me off the ground. The same way she’s done for 12 years. I love her forever.'

The good deed also caused a stir among other fans who are so moved and acclaimed Swift as 'angel'.