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Global Security Initiative offers Chinese solution to int'l challenges: experts




Global Security Initiative offers Chinese solution to int'l challenges: experts

2024-04-22 18:04 Last Updated At:04-23 02:27

The Global Security Initiative (GSI), put forth by Chinese President Xi Jinping two years ago, has offered a Chinese solution to global security issues and delivered positive results in resolving differences through dialogue, experts told CCTV.

On April 21, 2022, President Xi unveiled the Global Security Initiative (GSI) during his keynote address at the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Annual Conference in south China's Hainan Province.

Last week, during Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Central African Republic Sylvie Baipo-Temon's visit to China, the two foreign ministries issued a joint statement on jointly promoting the implementation of the three global initiatives proposed by China, namely the GSI, the Global Development Initiative (GDI) and the Global Civilization Initiative (GCI). Expressing gratitude to China for helping the country restore peace and stability, the Central African Republic has pledged to be a pioneer in implementing the GSI.

Now the world is fraught with uncertainties and global development and cooperation are confronted with multiple headwinds from protectionism, unilateralism to group politics. The Ukraine crisis drags on, and tensions in the Middle East is escalating. On top of that, there are new security challenges posed by artificial intelligence and climate change.

The China-proposed GSI stays committed to the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, to respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, to abiding by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, to taking the legitimate security concerns of all countries seriously, to peacefully resolving differences and disputes between countries through dialogue and consultation, and to maintaining security in both traditional and non-traditional domains.

"Facing the question of the times as to where the global cause of peace will be headed, President Xi Jinping proposed the Global Security Initiative with great foresight, answering a string of important questions such as 'what kind of security concepts does mankind need?' and 'how to achieve universal security?' It goes beyond Western geopolitical security theories. It's a key outcome of Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy in the field of international security and serves as another important public good offered by China to promote world peace and development," said Chen Bo, president of the China Institute of International Studies.

Guided by the initiative's core principles, China has been actively advocating for the political resolution of international and regional hotspot issues including the Ukraine crisis, the Afghanistan issue and the Israel-Hamas conflict. China's dedication to peace has yielded tangible progress, promoting the Saudi-Iranian thaw and setting off a "wave of reconciliation" across the Middle East.

In February last year, the China-Pacific Island Countries Center for Disaster Risk Reduction Cooperation was put into operation in Jiangmen of south China's Guangdong Province, in a bid to help Pacific Island countries shore up disaster preparedness and management.

China has also launched the global initiatives on data security and AI governance to tackle challenges in those emerging sectors.

To promote GSI implementation, the Global Security Initiative Concept Paper was released in February 2023, laying out 20 priorities of cooperation and identifying five major platforms and mechanisms of cooperation.

"The (Global Security) Initiative has set off a refreshing trend of seeking common security through cooperation in the field of international security. It advocates a new path to security that features dialogue over confrontation, partnership over alliance, and win-win results over zero-sum game, which has been widely acclaimed and warmly received by the international community. Currently, the initiative has garnered support and appreciation from over 100 countries and international and regional organizations and is written into a host of bilateral and multilateral documents signed by China with other countries and international organizations. Relevant cooperation under the GSI framework is moving ahead steadily," said Chen Xiaodong, vice minister of foreign affairs.

Chen noted that China stands ready to work with all peace-loving and development-committed nations to contribute to world peace, security and prosperity.

"The initiative originates from China with a global outlook. It safeguards humanity's common interests and upholds peace and tranquility around the world. China welcomes all members of the international community who love peace and are committed to development to actively participate in GSI cooperation, make new contributions to common security for mankind and lasting world peace, and work together to make the world a more peaceful, more secure, and more prosperous place," said the vice minister.

Global Security Initiative offers Chinese solution to int'l challenges: experts

Global Security Initiative offers Chinese solution to int'l challenges: experts

Global Security Initiative offers Chinese solution to int'l challenges: experts

Global Security Initiative offers Chinese solution to int'l challenges: experts

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Vanuatu's PM commends China's cultural preservation, innovation amid fast growth

2024-07-27 02:52 Last Updated At:05:17

On his second official visit to China, Prime Minister of the Republic of Vanuatu Charlot Salwai expressed admiration for China's remarkable ability to balance preserving its cultural heritage with embracing innovative transformation.

Salwai paid an official visit to China from July 7 to 12. During his trip, he toured the southern province of Guangdong and explored the megacities of Beijing and Shanghai. His visit included tours of high-tech companies, a ride on a high-speed train, and a performance of traditional Cantonese opera.

In an interview with China Central Television Network (CCTV) aired on Friday, Salwai recounted his journey starting with a warm welcome that included enjoying Beijing Roast Duck, also known as Peking Duck -- a culinary delight introduced to him by the Chinese ambassador in Vanuatu.

"Many had to say. Peking Duck. Because we had it here on our arrival, so it was very tasty. And I understand that the Chinese ambassador in Vanuatu brought us to one of the traditional restaurants, small but beautiful," he said. The prime minister sees China's preservation of its culture as a vital lesson in understanding one's roots and the journey to the present day, acknowledging China's efforts to integrate cultural preservation with modernization.

"It's going to be my second official visit to China. I'm always impressed to see big changes and especially innovations made by China and especially the cities. Because a big impression is to see how China continues to maintain and keep its culture. Because I think it's the basis of everything -- to know where you come from and to understand where we are today. I feel that China is doing a lot to maintain its culture, but at the same time, doing, innovating to transform its culture,” Salwai said.

He also emphasized the importance of learning from China's sustainable development strategies.

"Today, it comes from a long way, some hardship, the government, and also the people of China. So, I'm impressed to see what is done, especially how China associates infrastructure development with nature. That's meant to keep, continue to keep the environment. It takes effort with the climate change by maintaining the ecosystem. I think it's something that, for a small country like Vanuatu, is important to learn. So, we are here. I'm here with my delegation to learn," Salwai said.

Vanuatu's PM commends China's cultural preservation, innovation amid fast growth

Vanuatu's PM commends China's cultural preservation, innovation amid fast growth

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