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LegCo Panel on Security visits Anti-Deception Coordination Centre and Anti-Deception Alliance


LegCo Panel on Security visits Anti-Deception Coordination Centre and Anti-Deception Alliance


LegCo Panel on Security visits Anti-Deception Coordination Centre and Anti-Deception Alliance

2024-04-23 22:13 Last Updated At:22:28

Inside look: legco panel on security tours anti-deception coordination centre and alliance

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

The Legislative Council Panel on Security visited the Anti-Deception Coordination Centre (ADCC) and the Anti-Deception Alliance (ADA) of the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) in the Police Headquarters today (April 23) to better understand the latest measures and initiatives of HKPF to combat deception cases.

Members first received a briefing from the representatives of the HKPF on the work of the ADCC in co-ordinating the relevant resources of the HKPF and enhancing collaboration with different Government departments, various stakeholders and law enforcement agencies outside Hong Kong, as well as the major strategies of the HKPF in preventing and combatting deception. They then toured the Call Centre of the ADCC and the ADA established by the HKPF and 10 major banks in November last year to enhance co-operation with the banking industry.

During the visit, Members noted how the ADCC assisted members of the public who were suspected to have been defrauded through its hotline "Anti-Scam Helpline 18222" to mitigate victims' losses and deployed the Scam Response Team officers in the District concerned to provide immediate assistance for the victims. The representatives of the HKPF also briefed Members on the latest situation and outcomes of its various initiatives with the banking industry, in particular how the ADA had expedited the process of intercepting crime proceeds and implemented the "Upstream Scam Intervention" mechanism to proactively identify and provide anti-deception advice to potential victims, in order to prevent the occurrence of fraud cases as early as possible.

Members were generally supportive of the Government's various measures to prevent and combat deception cases. They exchanged views with representatives of the Security Bureau and the HKPF on the enhancement of the effectiveness of the anti-deception measures and made a number of suggestions to further strengthen the relevant work. They also urged the Government to continue to step up their efforts in preventing and combatting deception cases such that the public would not be defrauded.

A total of 22 members and non-members of the Panel on Security attended the visit.

LegCo Panel on Security visits Anti-Deception Coordination Centre and Anti-Deception Alliance  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

LegCo Panel on Security visits Anti-Deception Coordination Centre and Anti-Deception Alliance Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

LegCo Panel on Security visits Anti-Deception Coordination Centre and Anti-Deception Alliance  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

LegCo Panel on Security visits Anti-Deception Coordination Centre and Anti-Deception Alliance Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

LegCo Panel on Security visits Anti-Deception Coordination Centre and Anti-Deception Alliance  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

LegCo Panel on Security visits Anti-Deception Coordination Centre and Anti-Deception Alliance Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

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LD Reminds Employers: Safety Measures for Electrical Work During Rainstorm

2024-07-27 09:01 Last Updated At:09:18

Employers, contractors and employees should be aware of electrical safety at work during rainstorm

As the rainstorm warning has been issued by the Hong Kong Observatory, the Labour Department (LD) reminds employers and contractors that they should adopt necessary work arrangements and take suitable safety measures to protect the safety of their employees when they are carrying out electrical work or handling electrical plant.

A spokesman for the LD said today (July 27) that employers and contractors should avoid assigning employees to carry out electrical work (like electric arc welding work) or handle electrical plant at places affected by rainstorms, and should refer to the "Code of Practice in Times of Adverse Weather and 'Extreme Conditions'" and the "Guide on Safety at Work in times of Inclement Weather" issued by the LD.

Even if electrical work is carried out or electrical plant is handled at places not affected by the rainstorm, suitable safety measures must still be adopted to prevent electric shock as the air would be more humid. Such measures include:

(i) Ensure that all live parts of an electrical installation are isolated from the power supply source and rendered dead, and the isolation from the power supply source must be maintained as long as electrical work is being carried out;

(ii) Before carrying out any electrical work or handling any electrical plant, cut off and lock out the power supply source, then test the circuit concerned to confirm it is dead and display suitable warning notices, and issue a work permit thereafter;

(iii) Ensure that protective devices (such as suitable and adequate fuses and circuit breakers) for the electrical installations or electrical plant have been installed and maintained in good working order, and portable electric tools must be double-insulated or properly earthed;

(iv) Provide suitable personal protective equipment such as insulating gloves and insulating mats for employees; and

(v) If live electrical work is unavoidable, a comprehensive risk assessment should be conducted by a competent person and the appropriate safety precautions should be taken to remove or properly control the electrical hazards involved before such work can proceed.

In addition, employees should co-operate with the employer or contractor to follow the safety instructions and use the safety equipment provided.

The LD has published guidebooks and leaflets on electrical work safety. These safety publications are available free from divisional offices of the department or can be downloaded from its website (

Should there be any questions about occupational safety and health matters, please contact the Occupational Safety Officer of the LD at 2559 2297.

Source: AI-generated images

Source: AI-generated images

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