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Russia is waging a shadow war on the West that needs a collective response, Estonian leader says


Russia is waging a shadow war on the West that needs a collective response, Estonian leader says


Russia is waging a shadow war on the West that needs a collective response, Estonian leader says

2024-05-22 20:15 Last Updated At:20:21

TALLINN, Estonia (AP) — Perched on the open ramp at the rear of a British Chinook helicopter, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas flew home from the annual Spring Storm military exercises, pleased to see NATO allies cooperating. But she later said that other types of warfare were on her mind.

Her nation, which borders Russia, has seen a rise in sabotage, electronic warfare and spying — all blamed on Moscow.

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Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, center, speaks to Brig. Giles Harris, commander of British forces in Estonia, left, and Ross Allen, British ambassador to Estonia, at an undisclosed location in Estonia on Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Kallas was visiting the country's largest defense exercises. (AP Photo/Hendrik Osula)

TALLINN, Estonia (AP) — Perched on the open ramp at the rear of a British Chinook helicopter, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas flew home from the annual Spring Storm military exercises, pleased to see NATO allies cooperating. But she later said that other types of warfare were on her mind.

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, right, and British Ambassador to Estonia Ross Allen fly back from NATO exercises in southern Estonia, Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Both the U.K. and Estonia recently announced they have arrested people on suspicion of organizing sabotage operations on behalf of Russia. (AP Photo/Hendrik Osula)

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, right, and British Ambassador to Estonia Ross Allen fly back from NATO exercises in southern Estonia, Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Both the U.K. and Estonia recently announced they have arrested people on suspicion of organizing sabotage operations on behalf of Russia. (AP Photo/Hendrik Osula)

Kusti Salm of Estonia's Defense Ministry, speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in Tallinn, Estonia, Thursday, May 16, 2024. Salm said Russia is carrying out attacks in Europe that include violence, sabotage, attacks on opposition figures and cyber threats. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits)

Kusti Salm of Estonia's Defense Ministry, speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in Tallinn, Estonia, Thursday, May 16, 2024. Salm said Russia is carrying out attacks in Europe that include violence, sabotage, attacks on opposition figures and cyber threats. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits)

Jonatan Vseviov, secretary general at Estonia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, poses for a photo in Tallinn, Estonia, Friday, May 17, 2024. Vseviov said Estonia is pushing for a European sanctions regime to be created to punish Russia for hybrid attacks. Estonia this year has arrested a university professor on charges of spying for Russia as well as 13 other people. (AP Photo/Emma Burrows)

Jonatan Vseviov, secretary general at Estonia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, poses for a photo in Tallinn, Estonia, Friday, May 17, 2024. Vseviov said Estonia is pushing for a European sanctions regime to be created to punish Russia for hybrid attacks. Estonia this year has arrested a university professor on charges of spying for Russia as well as 13 other people. (AP Photo/Emma Burrows)

Former Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves speaks during an interview with The Associated Press, in Tallinn, Estonia, Thursday, May 16, 2024. Ilves was president of Estonia from 2006-16, including while a large cyberattack carried out by Russia in 2007. Ilves suggested that if the West does not collectively deter Russia's hybrid threats, it will pay the price. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits)

Former Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves speaks during an interview with The Associated Press, in Tallinn, Estonia, Thursday, May 16, 2024. Ilves was president of Estonia from 2006-16, including while a large cyberattack carried out by Russia in 2007. Ilves suggested that if the West does not collectively deter Russia's hybrid threats, it will pay the price. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits)

Former Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves speaks during an interview with The Associated Press, in Tallinn, Estonia, Thursday, May 16, 2024. Ilves was president of Estonia from 2006-16, including while a large cyberattack carried out by Russia in 2007. Ilves suggested that if the West does not collectively deter Russia's hybrid threats, it will pay the price. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits)

Former Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves speaks during an interview with The Associated Press, in Tallinn, Estonia, Thursday, May 16, 2024. Ilves was president of Estonia from 2006-16, including while a large cyberattack carried out by Russia in 2007. Ilves suggested that if the West does not collectively deter Russia's hybrid threats, it will pay the price. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits)

Former Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves speaks during an interview with The Associated Press, in Tallinn, Estonia, Thursday, May 16, 2024. Ilves was president of Estonia from 2006-16, including while a large cyberattack carried out by Russia in 2007. Ilves suggested that if the West does not collectively deter Russia's hybrid threats, it will pay the price. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits)

Former Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves speaks during an interview with The Associated Press, in Tallinn, Estonia, Thursday, May 16, 2024. Ilves was president of Estonia from 2006-16, including while a large cyberattack carried out by Russia in 2007. Ilves suggested that if the West does not collectively deter Russia's hybrid threats, it will pay the price. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits)

A British Chinook helicopter waits to take senior Estonian officials back to the capital of Tallinn after they watched military exercises in an undisclosed part of Estonia, Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Estonian, British and French forces took part in the exercises which were dubbed Spring Storm. (AP Photo/Hendrik Osula)

A British Chinook helicopter waits to take senior Estonian officials back to the capital of Tallinn after they watched military exercises in an undisclosed part of Estonia, Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Estonian, British and French forces took part in the exercises which were dubbed Spring Storm. (AP Photo/Hendrik Osula)

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas sits inside a British Chinook helicopter in Estonia, Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Kallas has called for a "serious" coordinated approach to deter and counter Russian hybrid attacks on European soil. (AP Photo/Hendrik Osula)

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas sits inside a British Chinook helicopter in Estonia, Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Kallas has called for a "serious" coordinated approach to deter and counter Russian hybrid attacks on European soil. (AP Photo/Hendrik Osula)

Estonia's capital of Tallinn is seen from a British Chinook helicopter on Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Estonia, occupied by the Soviets Union until 1991, joined NATO in 2004. (AP Photo/Hendrik Osula)

Estonia's capital of Tallinn is seen from a British Chinook helicopter on Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Estonia, occupied by the Soviets Union until 1991, joined NATO in 2004. (AP Photo/Hendrik Osula)

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas and British Ambassador to Estonia Ross Allen, left, fly back together from NATO exercises in southern Estonia, Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Both the U.K. and Estonia recently announced arrests of people suspected of organizing sabotage operations on behalf of Russia. (AP Photo/Hendrik Osula)

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas and British Ambassador to Estonia Ross Allen, left, fly back together from NATO exercises in southern Estonia, Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Both the U.K. and Estonia recently announced arrests of people suspected of organizing sabotage operations on behalf of Russia. (AP Photo/Hendrik Osula)

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, center, speaks to Brig. Charles Harris, commander of British forces in Estonia, left, and Ross Allen, British ambassador to Estonia, at an undisclosed location in Estonia on Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Kallas was visiting the country's largest defense exercises. (AP Photo/Hendrik Osula)

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, center, speaks to Brig. Charles Harris, commander of British forces in Estonia, left, and Ross Allen, British ambassador to Estonia, at an undisclosed location in Estonia on Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Kallas was visiting the country's largest defense exercises. (AP Photo/Hendrik Osula)

As the war in Ukraine turns in Russia’s favor, defenses are being bolstered in the front-line nations of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, as well as in Finland and Poland.

Kallas says Russia is conducting a “shadow war” against the West.

Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda urged vigilance, saying Tuesday he had information that “acts of sabotage can happen again.”

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said at least nine people were recently arrested on suspicion of beatings and arson, allegedly directed by Russia’s secret services, and described them as Ukrainian, Belarusian and Polish nationals, some “from the criminal world.”

Not everyone sees the attacks as interconnected, Kallas told The Associated Press, despite NATO's assertion this month that Moscow is intensifying its campaign against the alliance from the Baltics to Britain. Russia dismissed that allegation.

Because many Russian intelligence operatives already are sanctioned, Western officials and experts say the Kremlin is shifting tactics, hiring others for hybrid operations — nonmilitary strategies including cyberattacks, election interference and disinformation, and attacks on foes of President Vladimir Putin.

With crucial elections in the West, officials say they believe the tempo of such activities will only increase, and some want tougher countermeasures.

Kallas cited a warning from an intelligence agency to a European country that one of its warehouses was targeted by Russian military intelligence. When a fire occurred at the warehouse two weeks later, officials in the country suggested that “we don't know it is the Russians,” she said. Kallas did not identify the country.

The West must have a “serious discussion of a coordinated approach," she said. “How far do we let them go on our soil?”

Estonia has taken the challenge of finding Russian agents of influence “very seriously” since regaining independence from the USSR in 1991, rebuilding its security services from scratch, U.S. Ambassador George Kent told AP.

This year in Estonia, a university professor was arrested on charges of spying for Moscow, 13 people were arrested over attacks allegedly organized by Russian military intelligence operating under diplomatic cover, and flights between Finland and the city of Tartu were disrupted by Russian jamming of GPS signals.

In October, a Baltic Sea gas pipeline and telecoms cables were damaged after a Chinese ship dragged its anchor for over 115 miles (185 kilometers) in an incident that is still under investigation. That ship was later seen in a Russian port.

Britain expelled Russia's defense attache in May after two British men were accused of working with Russian intelligence services to set fire to a London warehouse. In April, two German-Russian nationals were arrested and accused of trying to attack military sites in southern Germany.

“What I would like to see is the recognition that these are not isolated events," Kallas told AP. "Second, that we share information about this amongst ourselves. Third, make it as public as we can.”

Estonia has a reputation for aggressively pursuing espionage activity and publicizing it, consistently seizing more Russian agents per capita in the country of 1.3 million than other European nations.

It is “not very plausible” that there's such a large pool of agents in Estonia that makes them easier to catch, said Kusti Salm, permanent secretary at Estonia’s Defense Ministry, in an interview with AP, implying that other countries could work harder at it.

Former Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves, in office from 2006-16, told AP that some nations don't act because they hope to do business with Russia again.

“People are afraid of decisive action, and the absence of decisive action basically tempts bad actors to keep pushing their luck," added Ilves, who dealt with a major cyber attack blamed on Russia in 2007.

Russian officials, he said, “will push their luck until something bad happens, but they won’t pay the consequence. We will.”

That could lead to unintended deaths and injuries, Estonian officials and security experts say, citing a trend of Russia is outsourcing attacks to locals, sometimes recruited relatively cheaply on video gaming platforms and social media. That makes it harder to identify connections between attacks or to trace them back to Russia.

Bulgarian investigative journalist Christo Grozev, who exposed Russian intelligence involvement in poisoning former spy Sergei Skripal in 2018 in Britain and the late opposition leader Alexei Navalny in 2020, was a victim of such outsourcing.

A former Austrian intelligence officer was arrested in March for supplying Grozev’s address to Russian intelligence, which allegedly hired burglars to break into the journalist's apartment in 2022 to steal a laptop connected to the Navalny investigation. Grozev had to move from Vienna last year after authorities said they couldn't guarantee his security.

Grozev said his son was in his room playing computer games when the 2022 break-in occurred, adding: "Imagine if he had walked out.”

He and other journalists discovered links between an attack on a Russian opposition figure in Argentina last year and a Polish organized crime cell. When the information was passed to Polish authorities, they found a connection between the Argentina attack and one on Russian opposition figure Leonid Volkov in Lithuania in March. Lithuania's security service said that attack was probably Russian-organized.

Grozev said nations need to enforce intelligence sharing between their own security services and police and prosecutors and create a “proactive international working task force” to combat foreign influence operations.

Although Russia has been blamed for attacks in Europe for decades, Estonian officials and security experts indicated there's no collective mechanism for dealing with them, and suggested the EU do more.

Kallas says Russia uses spies in the guise of diplomats “all the time,” and senior Estonian officials support a Czech initiative limiting visas for Russian envoys to the country where they are posted.

That would make it harder for them to travel in the EU, where IDs aren't needed at the border. It also could reduce the possibility of one nation expelling spies, only to see them return to another and continue working under diplomatic cover.

Estonia also is pushing for separate sanctions within the EU to counter hybrid threats. Although many Russian intelligence agents already are sanctioned, these could dissuade some “intermediaries” -- local organized crime figures, disillusioned youth and potential spies and collaborators -- from working for Moscow, said Jonatan Vseviov, secretary general of Estonia’s Foreign Ministry.

While some countries feel such exposure could cause instability and erode trust, Grozev called it an important deterrent.

Russian intelligence agents running operations abroad are “extremely averse” to incidents where they are named and shamed, Grozev said. Such individuals can be denied promotion, and proxies will realize they cannot be guaranteed immunity, he said.

The threat of sanctions and reduced opportunities for travel and study abroad can also help discourage younger Russians from joining security services.

Russia seeks “to sow fear” and break Western support for Kyiv, Kallas said.

Vseviov said Putin wants to use every tool available, including the shadowy attacks, to “undermine our unity, collapse our policy and destroy the collective West, as we know it, as a functioning body."

AP journalists Monika Scislowska in Warsaw, Poland, and Jan M. Olsen in Copenhagen, Denmark, contributed.

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, center, speaks to Brig. Giles Harris, commander of British forces in Estonia, left, and Ross Allen, British ambassador to Estonia, at an undisclosed location in Estonia on Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Kallas was visiting the country's largest defense exercises. (AP Photo/Hendrik Osula)

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, center, speaks to Brig. Giles Harris, commander of British forces in Estonia, left, and Ross Allen, British ambassador to Estonia, at an undisclosed location in Estonia on Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Kallas was visiting the country's largest defense exercises. (AP Photo/Hendrik Osula)

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, right, and British Ambassador to Estonia Ross Allen fly back from NATO exercises in southern Estonia, Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Both the U.K. and Estonia recently announced they have arrested people on suspicion of organizing sabotage operations on behalf of Russia. (AP Photo/Hendrik Osula)

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, right, and British Ambassador to Estonia Ross Allen fly back from NATO exercises in southern Estonia, Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Both the U.K. and Estonia recently announced they have arrested people on suspicion of organizing sabotage operations on behalf of Russia. (AP Photo/Hendrik Osula)

Kusti Salm of Estonia's Defense Ministry, speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in Tallinn, Estonia, Thursday, May 16, 2024. Salm said Russia is carrying out attacks in Europe that include violence, sabotage, attacks on opposition figures and cyber threats. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits)

Kusti Salm of Estonia's Defense Ministry, speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in Tallinn, Estonia, Thursday, May 16, 2024. Salm said Russia is carrying out attacks in Europe that include violence, sabotage, attacks on opposition figures and cyber threats. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits)

Jonatan Vseviov, secretary general at Estonia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, poses for a photo in Tallinn, Estonia, Friday, May 17, 2024. Vseviov said Estonia is pushing for a European sanctions regime to be created to punish Russia for hybrid attacks. Estonia this year has arrested a university professor on charges of spying for Russia as well as 13 other people. (AP Photo/Emma Burrows)

Jonatan Vseviov, secretary general at Estonia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, poses for a photo in Tallinn, Estonia, Friday, May 17, 2024. Vseviov said Estonia is pushing for a European sanctions regime to be created to punish Russia for hybrid attacks. Estonia this year has arrested a university professor on charges of spying for Russia as well as 13 other people. (AP Photo/Emma Burrows)

Former Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves speaks during an interview with The Associated Press, in Tallinn, Estonia, Thursday, May 16, 2024. Ilves was president of Estonia from 2006-16, including while a large cyberattack carried out by Russia in 2007. Ilves suggested that if the West does not collectively deter Russia's hybrid threats, it will pay the price. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits)

Former Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves speaks during an interview with The Associated Press, in Tallinn, Estonia, Thursday, May 16, 2024. Ilves was president of Estonia from 2006-16, including while a large cyberattack carried out by Russia in 2007. Ilves suggested that if the West does not collectively deter Russia's hybrid threats, it will pay the price. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits)

Former Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves speaks during an interview with The Associated Press, in Tallinn, Estonia, Thursday, May 16, 2024. Ilves was president of Estonia from 2006-16, including while a large cyberattack carried out by Russia in 2007. Ilves suggested that if the West does not collectively deter Russia's hybrid threats, it will pay the price. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits)

Former Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves speaks during an interview with The Associated Press, in Tallinn, Estonia, Thursday, May 16, 2024. Ilves was president of Estonia from 2006-16, including while a large cyberattack carried out by Russia in 2007. Ilves suggested that if the West does not collectively deter Russia's hybrid threats, it will pay the price. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits)

Former Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves speaks during an interview with The Associated Press, in Tallinn, Estonia, Thursday, May 16, 2024. Ilves was president of Estonia from 2006-16, including while a large cyberattack carried out by Russia in 2007. Ilves suggested that if the West does not collectively deter Russia's hybrid threats, it will pay the price. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits)

Former Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves speaks during an interview with The Associated Press, in Tallinn, Estonia, Thursday, May 16, 2024. Ilves was president of Estonia from 2006-16, including while a large cyberattack carried out by Russia in 2007. Ilves suggested that if the West does not collectively deter Russia's hybrid threats, it will pay the price. (AP Photo/Sergei Grits)

A British Chinook helicopter waits to take senior Estonian officials back to the capital of Tallinn after they watched military exercises in an undisclosed part of Estonia, Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Estonian, British and French forces took part in the exercises which were dubbed Spring Storm. (AP Photo/Hendrik Osula)

A British Chinook helicopter waits to take senior Estonian officials back to the capital of Tallinn after they watched military exercises in an undisclosed part of Estonia, Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Estonian, British and French forces took part in the exercises which were dubbed Spring Storm. (AP Photo/Hendrik Osula)

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas sits inside a British Chinook helicopter in Estonia, Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Kallas has called for a "serious" coordinated approach to deter and counter Russian hybrid attacks on European soil. (AP Photo/Hendrik Osula)

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas sits inside a British Chinook helicopter in Estonia, Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Kallas has called for a "serious" coordinated approach to deter and counter Russian hybrid attacks on European soil. (AP Photo/Hendrik Osula)

Estonia's capital of Tallinn is seen from a British Chinook helicopter on Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Estonia, occupied by the Soviets Union until 1991, joined NATO in 2004. (AP Photo/Hendrik Osula)

Estonia's capital of Tallinn is seen from a British Chinook helicopter on Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Estonia, occupied by the Soviets Union until 1991, joined NATO in 2004. (AP Photo/Hendrik Osula)

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas and British Ambassador to Estonia Ross Allen, left, fly back together from NATO exercises in southern Estonia, Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Both the U.K. and Estonia recently announced arrests of people suspected of organizing sabotage operations on behalf of Russia. (AP Photo/Hendrik Osula)

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas and British Ambassador to Estonia Ross Allen, left, fly back together from NATO exercises in southern Estonia, Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Both the U.K. and Estonia recently announced arrests of people suspected of organizing sabotage operations on behalf of Russia. (AP Photo/Hendrik Osula)

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, center, speaks to Brig. Charles Harris, commander of British forces in Estonia, left, and Ross Allen, British ambassador to Estonia, at an undisclosed location in Estonia on Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Kallas was visiting the country's largest defense exercises. (AP Photo/Hendrik Osula)

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, center, speaks to Brig. Charles Harris, commander of British forces in Estonia, left, and Ross Allen, British ambassador to Estonia, at an undisclosed location in Estonia on Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Kallas was visiting the country's largest defense exercises. (AP Photo/Hendrik Osula)

CALGARY, Alberta (AP) — Lauren Coughlin held onto the lead Friday in the CPKC Women’s Open, while Canadian star Brooke Henderson was derailed by closing bogeys at windy and smokey Earl Grey Golf Club.

Coughlin followed her opening 4-under 68 on Thursday in chilly and windy conditions with a 70 on Friday to get to 6 under, a stroke ahead of Hannah Green and Haeran Ryu. The temperature made it into the 70s after barely climbing into the 60s on Thursday.

“I think I handled it really well overall,” Coughlin said. “It was just really difficult to judge how far the ball was going to go with the wind and the crosswind and how firm the greens got. And they had some tough pins, especially considering the direction of the wind.”

Playing through a smokey haze from wildfires, Henderson bogeyed the final four holes in her afternoon round for a 73 that left her seven strokes back at 1 over. She won the 2018 tournament.

“Most of the day I was 3 under, so feeling pretty great,” Henderson said. “To walk away 1 over, that’s not the best feeling. But all you can do is move forward and try to learn from some of the things you did out there.”

Coughlin is coming off a fourth-place finish two weeks ago in France in the major Evian Champions. The 31-year-old former University of Virginia player is winless on the LPGA Tour.

On Friday, she had three front-none birdies and dropped a stroke on the par-4 11th. In two rounds, she's 7 under on the first nine holes and 1 over on the second nine.

“I putted extremely well,” Coughlin said. “Two-putted really well all day. Took advantage of the front nine, which you have to, and then kind of hold on on the back nine.”

Green matched Coughlin with a 70. The Australian is a two-time winner this year, taking the HSBC Women’s World Championship in Singapore in February and the JM Eagle LA Championship in April.

“It was tough again out there,” Green said. “There was some pretty strong wind gusts, especially our last few holes, so committing to the shot you were envisioning was kind of difficult.”

Ryu bogeyed the 18th for 69.

“The weather is really bad,” Ryu said. “Is a little bit cold and so windy.”

The 23-year-old South Korean player won the Walmart NW Arkansas Championship last year for her first LPGA Tour title. She was second last week in Ohio in the Dana Open.

Three-time champion Lydia Ko had a 71 to join second-ranked Lilia Vu (70) and Jennifer Kupcho (72) at 3 under. Ko won as an amateur in 2012 at age 15, successfully defended her title as an amateur in 2013 and won as a professional in 2015.

“It’s not easy — and I think the scores are showing,” Ko said. “Anything kind of under par the past couple days is a really solid round. I’m pretty happy with the way I started this week.”

Kupcho topped the leaderboard at 8 under after birdieing five of the first eight holes in her morning round, then was 5 over the rest of the way. She had a double bogey on the par-4 16th, four bogeys and a birdie on her final nine holes.

“I’m pretty upset,” Kupcho said. “I think in hindsight I still hit 15 greens. Like I was hitting the ball really good. Three-putted 10 and 11 and four-putted 16. I didn’t play bad. Just had a couple shaky putts down the stretch — and that’s going to happen.”

Lexi Thompson was in the group with Henderson tied for 26th at 1 over after a 73 The American plans to play a limited schedule after this season.

AP golf:

Lexi Thompson, of the United States, chips on the first hole during the second round at the LPGA Canadian Women's Open golf tournament in in Calgary, Alberta, Friday, July 26, 2024. (Jeff McIntosh /The Canadian Press via AP)

Lexi Thompson, of the United States, chips on the first hole during the second round at the LPGA Canadian Women's Open golf tournament in in Calgary, Alberta, Friday, July 26, 2024. (Jeff McIntosh /The Canadian Press via AP)

Jennifer Kupcho, of the United States, watches her tee shot on the fifteenth hole during the second round at the LPGA Canadian Women's Open golf tournament in in Calgary, Alberta, Friday, July 26, 2024. (Jeff McIntosh /The Canadian Press via AP)

Jennifer Kupcho, of the United States, watches her tee shot on the fifteenth hole during the second round at the LPGA Canadian Women's Open golf tournament in in Calgary, Alberta, Friday, July 26, 2024. (Jeff McIntosh /The Canadian Press via AP)

Jennifer Kupcho, of the United States, lines up a putt on the fourteenth green during the second round at the LPGA Canadian Women's Open golf tournament in in Calgary, Alberta, Friday, July 26, 2024. (Jeff McIntosh /The Canadian Press via AP)

Jennifer Kupcho, of the United States, lines up a putt on the fourteenth green during the second round at the LPGA Canadian Women's Open golf tournament in in Calgary, Alberta, Friday, July 26, 2024. (Jeff McIntosh /The Canadian Press via AP)

New Zealand's Lydia Ko hits a tee shot on the first hole during the second round at the LPGA Canadian Women's Open golf tournament in in Calgary, Alberta, Friday, July 26, 2024. (Jeff McIntosh /The Canadian Press via AP)

New Zealand's Lydia Ko hits a tee shot on the first hole during the second round at the LPGA Canadian Women's Open golf tournament in in Calgary, Alberta, Friday, July 26, 2024. (Jeff McIntosh /The Canadian Press via AP)

Korea's Haeran Ryu hits a tee shot on the fourth hole during the second round at the LPGA Canadian Women's Open golf tournament in Calgary, Alberta, Friday, July 26, 2024. (Jeff McIntosh/The Canadian Press via AP)

Korea's Haeran Ryu hits a tee shot on the fourth hole during the second round at the LPGA Canadian Women's Open golf tournament in Calgary, Alberta, Friday, July 26, 2024. (Jeff McIntosh/The Canadian Press via AP)

Canada's Brooke Henderson hits a tee shot on the second hole during the second round at the LPGA Canadian Women's Open golf tournament in Calgary, Alberta, Friday, July 26, 2024. (Jeff McIntosh/The Canadian Press via AP)

Canada's Brooke Henderson hits a tee shot on the second hole during the second round at the LPGA Canadian Women's Open golf tournament in Calgary, Alberta, Friday, July 26, 2024. (Jeff McIntosh/The Canadian Press via AP)

Lauren Coughlin, of the United States, hits from the fairway on the sixth hole during the second round at the LPGA Canadian Women's Open golf tournament in Calgary, Alberta, Friday, July 26, 2024. (Jeff McIntosh/The Canadian Press via AP)

Lauren Coughlin, of the United States, hits from the fairway on the sixth hole during the second round at the LPGA Canadian Women's Open golf tournament in Calgary, Alberta, Friday, July 26, 2024. (Jeff McIntosh/The Canadian Press via AP)

Lauren Coughlin, of the United States, hits a tee shot on the seventh hole during the second round at the LPGA Canadian Women's Open golf tournament in Calgary, Alberta, Friday, July 26, 2024. (Jeff McIntosh/The Canadian Press via AP)

Lauren Coughlin, of the United States, hits a tee shot on the seventh hole during the second round at the LPGA Canadian Women's Open golf tournament in Calgary, Alberta, Friday, July 26, 2024. (Jeff McIntosh/The Canadian Press via AP)

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