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ICAC chief, as President of IAACA, announces Hong Kong Declaration for greater international co-operation


ICAC chief, as President of IAACA, announces Hong Kong Declaration for greater international co-operation


ICAC chief, as President of IAACA, announces Hong Kong Declaration for greater international co-operation

2024-05-24 19:28 Last Updated At:05-25 11:48

Icac chief calls for global partnership in fight against corruption with hong kong declaration

The 8th ICAC Symposium co-hosted by the ICAC and the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (IAACA) concluded today (May 24). In the closing ceremony, the ICAC Commissioner, Mr Woo Ying-ming, in his capacity of President of the IAACA, announced the adoption of the "Hong Kong Declaration on Strengthening International Cooperation in Preventing and Fighting Corruption" (Hong Kong Declaration), calling on international counterparts to stand united in the mission to eradicate corruption and uphold the principles set out in the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC).

"Hong Kong's story in the fight against corruption should give us all confidence and belief in our mission. Let us re-affirm our commitment to the shared vision of a world without corruption. Together, we are better. Together, we are stronger. Together, we can chart a new path to combat corruption." Mr Woo said in his closing address.

The symposium also served as the 11th Annual Conference of the IAACA. Mr Woo noted that the Hong Kong Declaration showcased the collective commitment of the members to combat corruption. He also called on international counterparts to leverage the UNCAC to enhance collaboration in the prevention of and fight against corruption. He also emphasised the importance of adopting digital and financial forensics to tackle the increasing complexity of corruption crimes.

The Hong Kong Declaration also welcomed various international initiatives, including the "Global Resource for Anti-Corruption Education and Youth Empowerment" (GRACE Initiative) proposed by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). It also encouraged member organisations to draw reference to the "Global Policy Guide for Strengthening Youth Engagement in Anti-Corruption Initiatives" (Youth Anti-Corruption Policy Guide) jointly developed by the ICAC, the UNODC and the IAACA.

The plenary session this morning was themed "The Power of Youth in Creating a World of Integrity". For the first time, young people from around the world, including members of YouthLED Integrity Advisory Board to the GRACE Initiative, were invited to speak at the panel. Some of them had taken part in the development of the Youth Anti-Corruption Policy Guide.

The young speakers shared how young people could inject new vigour to a global culture of integrity and become integrity leaders as well as anti-corruption champions. About 200 local, mainland and overseas university and secondary school students, as well as ICAC's iElite Youth Leaders were also invited to participate in the session for the first time.

Upon conclusion of the symposium, participants joined a back-to-back anti-corruption training programme co-organised by the Hong Kong International Academy Against Corruption (HKIAAC) and the IAACA. The programme included workshops on law enforcement, education and prevention, as well as visits to ICAC facilities including the Exhibition Hall, the HKIAAC, the Identification Parade Suite, the Video Interview Rooms, mock court and the detention center.

Over 50 participants will join an ICAC delegation, led by the ICAC Commissioner, Mr Woo Ying-ming, and the Deputy ICAC Commissioner and the Head of Operations, Mr Ricky Yau Shu-chun, on a study tour to the city of Changsha in Mainland China from May 26 to 28.

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Regulation of medical gases as pharmaceutical products

2024-06-17 18:35 Last Updated At:18:50

Pharmacy and poisons board of hong kong endorses regulation of medical gases as pharmaceutical products under ordinance, effective june 14, 2026

The Department of Health (DH) today (June 17) said that the Pharmacy and Poisons Board of Hong Kong (the Board) has endorsed the regulation of medical gases as pharmaceutical products under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance (Cap. 138) (the Ordinance) with effect from June 14, 2026.

In September 2023, the Board agreed that medical gases should be regulated as pharmaceutical products under the Ordinance after taking into account the regulatory control of medical gases in other jurisdictions and the current situation in Hong Kong. In this connection, a public consultation had been conducted by the DH in November last year for collecting views and comments from the public and relevant stakeholders.

Noting that the overall responses were in support of the regulatory control of medical gases, the Board has decided at its meeting on June 14, 2024, to regulate medical gases as pharmaceutical products under the Ordinance by giving two years' preparatory time (i.e. from June 14, 2024, to June 13, 2026) for the trade to apply for relevant licences and registration of their products. The Board has also promulgated relevant Guidance Notes and details are available at the Board's website (

The DH has started issuing letters to inform relevant traders and stakeholders about the aforesaid regulation. When the new regulatory control takes effect, the medical gases, as pharmaceutical products, have to be registered with the Board before they can be legally sold or supplied in Hong Kong. In addition, traders of the pharmaceutical products must obtain relevant licence(s) from the Board before conducting manufacture, wholesale (including import and export) of pharmaceutical products and retail sales of pharmaceutical products containing poisons. According to the Ordinance, illegal possession or sale of unregistered pharmaceutical products or prescription drugs, and manufacture, wholesale of pharmaceutical products and retail sales of pharmaceutical products containing poisons without relevant licences are criminal offences. The maximum penalty for each offence is a fine of $100,000 and two years' imprisonment upon conviction.

For relevant information on the Regulation of Medical Gases, please visit the website of the Drug Office of the DH (

Source: AI-generated images

Source: AI-generated images

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