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Experts, diplomats discuss challenges in global governance




Experts, diplomats discuss challenges in global governance

2024-05-26 11:07 Last Updated At:16:27

The 10th China and Globalization Forum kicked off in Beijing on Saturday, with topics on the agenda covering China-Europe relations, Middle East tensions, climate change and global trade reconfiguration.

Discussing the future of China-EU relations, over 300 experts, scholars, and diplomats from across the world noted there are still uncertainties, especially amid the debate of the EU's anti-subsidy investigation into Chinese electric vehicles and wind turbines. However, the two sides still have greater space for cooperation.

"We should also focus on all the issues on which we cooperate. I'm thinking of climate, I'm thinking of a number of reforms in the international financial system, whether to improve the World Bank and the work of the IMF or other issues. And the recent visit by President Xi to France, I think, was a good sign of that vitality. So like anywhere in international relations, there are issues on which we disagree and that we need to resolve, and issues on which it's easier to cooperate," said Justin Vaisse, Founder and Director-General of Paris Peace Forum.

This year's forum for the first time has special panel discussions on the issues faced in the Middle East, and some participants suggested that since China has successfully brokered a peace deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia, it can also play an important role in solving other issues in the region.

"It's about time that the world, the global powers now take this responsibility and say that this has to be resolved once and for all, because we need a peaceful, prosperous, happy Middle East. The only way to do this is to recognize statehood for the Palestinians. So, we are at this very critical juncture. And unfortunately, most of the Western states cannot be honest brokers in solving this issue. Only a state like China can meet both sides and find a way to resolve this issue," said Mohamed Amersi, Founder and Chairman of the Amersi Foundation.

Wang Huiyao, Founder and President of the Center for China and Globalization, which is the host organization of the event, said that globalization was once seen as bringing prosperity, peace and development to the world, but it is not as attractive.

He noted that facing the headwinds and challenges, the world needs a more inclusive and sustainable globalization, and countries of different social and political systems need to strengthen ties through dialogue and cooperation.

"People from all parts of the world share similar views. That's a powerful message to send. And they echoed in China that they are not favoring any confrontational approach, not favoring any decoupling, de-risk. They are favoring a constructive dialogue," added Wang.

Experts and scholars say with the current international turbulence, it is especially important for them to have such a platform to discuss the challenges and opportunities of globalization, and significantly, new ideas to avoid a bipolar world.

Experts, diplomats discuss challenges in global governance

Experts, diplomats discuss challenges in global governance

Experts, diplomats discuss challenges in global governance

Experts, diplomats discuss challenges in global governance

Experts, diplomats discuss challenges in global governance

Experts, diplomats discuss challenges in global governance

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China's CPI expected to continue growing moderately in future: official

2024-06-17 15:57 Last Updated At:16:07

China's consumer price index (CPI), a main gauge of inflation, was up 0.3 percent year on year in May, and it is expected to continue growing moderately in the future based on the price trend, according to officials on Monday.

At a press conference in Beijing, officials from the National Bureau of Statistics briefed the situation of CPI in May and gave the prediction over its trend in the future.

Liu Aihua, a spokeswoman of the National Bureau of Statistics, said that the consumer price in May had three characteristics.

First, it kept flat in the year-on-year increase.

"In May, CPI rose 0.3 percent from a year earlier, staying flat from the previous month. Of which, food prices fell by 2 percent year on year, with the decline 0.7 percentage points narrower than the previous month, while non-food prices increased 0.8 percent, 0.1 percentage points lower than April. Service price grow by 0.8 percent, the same as the previous month," said Liu.

Second, the consumer price showed a slight seasonal decline from the previous month. On a monthly basis, the CPI inched down 0.1 percent in May. The decrease was smaller than the 0.2-percent drop on average in the same period of the last 10 years.

Third, the core CPI rose moderately. In May, the core CPI apart from food and energy was up 0.6 percent year on year, keeping a moderate upward trend.

"Regarding the trend of CPI in the future, based on the current price trend of food, manufactured consumer goods and services, CPI will continue to rise moderately. For food, as a large number of seasonal fruits and vegetables being put on market, food price will remain at a seasonal low. In terms of manufactured consumer goods, its total supply is sufficient, which is conducive to the stability of prices. As for service, its price is expected to continue rebounding as demand for services further recovers," Liu said.

China's CPI expected to continue growing moderately in future:  official

China's CPI expected to continue growing moderately in future: official

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