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California evangelical seminary ponders changes that would make it more welcoming to LGBTQ students


California evangelical seminary ponders changes that would make it more welcoming to LGBTQ students


California evangelical seminary ponders changes that would make it more welcoming to LGBTQ students

2024-05-27 07:21 Last Updated At:07:30

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school in Pasadena, California, is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union. That's according to a draft of proposed revisions to the seminary's sexual standards that was obtained by The Associated Press.

If the board votes to approve these revisions, Fuller could become the first evangelical seminary in the country to adopt standards acknowledging the diversity of thought among Christians pertaining to human sexuality, according to retired professor John Hawthorne, an expert on Christian colleges.

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Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school in Pasadena, California, is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union. That's according to a draft of proposed revisions to the seminary's sexual standards that was obtained by The Associated Press.

Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union.(AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union.(AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union.(AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union.(AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Such a decision would carry Fuller into uncharted territory, Hawthorne said. “It’s a bold step for a school that fought off lawsuits on this very issue a few years ago."

At the same time, several current and former students and faculty believe this move would preserve Fuller’s existing status as a “third space” where Christians with diverse views on sexuality are welcome — a space that has been shrinking nationally amid increasing political polarization on the issue.

Fuller issued a statement Thursday saying the deliberations on this topic are ongoing and drafts of possible revisions have been created solely for discussion and reflection. It says no proposals have been submitted to trustees for a vote and it is unclear when the board might even consider the matter.

Hawthorne, whose upcoming book argues that Christian colleges should put students front and center instead of worrying about critics, anticipates “significant blowback” from conservative Christians should Fuller move forward with the revisions.

“I hope they have a plan on how to manage the aftermath, the storm, when it comes,” he said.

Fuller's president, David Goatley, who came to the nondenominational seminary in 2022 from Duke Divinity School, appointed a task force of administrators and faculty to look into the school’s sexual standards. That move came about a month after Ruth Schmidt was fired from her position as a senior administrator in January for refusing to sign the seminary’s sexual standards.

In 2019 and 2020, two former students sued Fuller, alleging they were being expelled for being in same-sex marriages. In October 2020, courts upheld Fuller’s right to enforce its sexual standards policy. Its standards prohibit “homosexual forms of explicit sexual conduct” and hold that sexual intimacy is reserved for a marriage between a man and a woman.

The draft containing the revisions, dated April 3, states “that there are thoughtful Christians and churches that have different interpretations. Therefore, we expect all members of this global, evangelical, and ecumenical seminary student and learner community to live with integrity consistent to the Christian communities to which they belong.”

The document is less clear, however, when it comes to standards for trustees, administrators, faculty and staff, requiring them “to abide by the sexual standard regarding sexual intimacy within the boundaries of the traditional understanding of marriage.” It also states that those from Christian communities that differ from Fuller’s stance supporting traditional marriage would still be expected to support the seminary’s position. It does not specify whether faculty, staff and administrators would be penalized for being in a same-sex marriage.

Schmidt, who identifies as queer and started out as a student at the college in 2016, said she would have still been fired under the proposed new standards.

“But if this passes, that means queer students can set foot on campus without fear of being expelled,” she said, adding that she lived with that “visceral fear” as a queer student. “It's going to be life changing for them.”

Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see Fuller's faculty and staff get the same protections as students.

“We’ll probably see staff members and faculty quit over this,” she said. “It’s going to be a long journey of education and empathy before staff have that same protection.”

The proposed standards would also protect conservative Christian students “who will not be targeted or viewed as bigots,” Schmidt said.

“A place where a wide variety of theology is safe is so rare these days,” she said. “It feels like holy ground.”

Past and current students say Fuller has historically been a rare “third space” where a multitude of views are welcome. But for LGBTQ+ students, it has also been stress-inducing.

Joshua Beckett, who earned his doctorate from Fuller and taught a class in sexuality and ethics in which Schmidt was a student, said the students and professors on campus are not monolithic on this topic.

“They tend to be more open-minded and more willing to sit with nuance and uncertainty while being tolerant of different views,” he said. “The administration and board are very conservative and inflexible.”

Beckett, who is gay, said he did not date while attending Fuller for fear of being expelled, which affected his mental health and “added a lot of stress during an already difficult time.”

Dylan Parker, a doctoral student at Fuller based in Arkansas, supports the proposed changes.

“Students would be able to live faithfully within the standards of their own denominations and professors would be able to exercise academic freedom as long as they support the institution’s stance,” he said. He suggests the revisions would allow professors to be affirming or non-affirming of LGBTQ+ people.

The seminary has done a good job of remaining committed to multi-denominational dialogue, which in itself can be challenging, Parker said, but needs to do more to cultivate a culture where multiple perspectives feel invited to the table.

“I’ve not personally felt that Fuller is antagonistic toward any perspective,” he said. “But there is a general lack of clarity on what perspectives are welcome.”

The acknowledgement of theological diversity is certainly lacking in evangelical seminaries, Hawthorne said.

“They’ve had an inability to acknowledge the legitimate diversity of opinion among committed Christians who have studied Scripture, who are believers, and aren’t trying to go along with what is culturally easy."

Jeff Chan, who graduated from Fuller in 2016 with a masters degree in Christian leadership and a Ph.D in psychology, now specializes in working with LGBTQ+ individuals and couples, particularly those conflicted between their sexual and religious identities. Chan, who grew up in the Deep South, said Fuller, at the time, seemed like a breath of fresh air.

“I was known as a gay man on campus and fellow students and professors appreciated hearing my position as a gay Christian,” he said.

But after he graduated, the lawsuits changed the atmosphere, spreading fear and uncertainty among students, Chan said. He says his positive experience at Fuller played a crucial role in reconciling his sexuality with his Christian faith.

Chan is excited to see how Fuller’s trustees vote on the proposed changes. He says he would teach at a campus where he is asked to formally acknowledge the college’s traditional view of marriage, yet is allowed to be himself.

“If I have a seat at the table, they can hold whatever position they want,” Chan said. “That still feels sad, but if it allows for that third space where people can come together, I think it’s still valuable.”

Associated Press religion coverage receives support through the AP’s collaboration with The Conversation US, with funding from Lilly Endowment Inc. The AP is solely responsible for this content.

Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union.(AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union.(AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union.(AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union.(AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Pastor Ruth Schmidt poses for a picture at the Altadena Community Church in Altadena, Calif., on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Schmidt, who now serves as a pastor at Claremont Presbyterian Church and is on track to be ordained in the United Church of Christ, said she would like to see faculty and staff at Fuller get the same protections as students. Fuller Theological Seminary, an evangelical school is deliberating whether to become more open to LGBTQ+ students who previously faced possible expulsion if found to be in a same-sex union. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

LONG BEACH, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jun 17, 2024--

Doublepoint Technologies, a leading pioneer in gesture technology, will unveil WowMouse AR at the Augmented World Expo 2024 tomorrow in booth No. 544. This latest WowMouse update transforms Android smartwatches into powerful AR gestural input devices that enhance users’ experiences with Magic Leap 2. Attendees of AWE 2024, which will be held June 18-20 at the Long Beach Convention Center, will have the exclusive opportunity to witness the future of human-computer interaction through hands-on demonstrations of WowMouse AR.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here:

“We are thankful to the Magic Leap team for lending their incredible AR expertise to help us take the human AR experience to the next level with WowMouse micro-gesture controls,” said Ohto Pentikäinen, CEO and co-founder of Doublepoint. “The demand for intuitive and powerful interactions with wearable devices is continuing to grow, and we’re excited to be at the forefront of offering new innovations in gesture technology.”

Doublepoint introduced its WowMouse app at CES 2024, marking a new era in wearable technology and interactive digital interfaces. Leveraging the company’s powerful core algorithm, WowMouse uses micro gestures to transform smartwatches into wrist-based mice. Since its debut, the app has achieved more than 55,000 downloads. Now with an AR feature, WowMouse provides an input solution for greater flexibility and options, catering to diverse environments and use cases.

By Bluetooth-pairing a Magic Leap 2 with an Android smartwatch running WowMouse, users can activate “WowMouse AR Mode.” This feature allows seamless control of AR environments through gaze and pinch interactions by using Magic Leap’s latest headset.

Doublepoint’s groundbreaking gesture-control capabilities with WowMouse have earned it a spot as a top finalist in the Best Interaction Product category at this year’s Auggie Awards. The awards will be presented on June 19 at AWE.

Magic Leap supports members of its developer ecosystem, like Doublepoint, in building revolutionary AR accessories like WowMouse AR, which are compatible with Magic Leap 2. The opportunities to transform how people can enhance their work experiences are endless with intuitive assistance from devices with gesture and control features.

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About Doublepoint

Doublepoint is a leading provider of gesture detection technology, revolutionizing user interactions across various devices. Featured in CNBC, CNET, Digital Trends, Mashable, VentureBeat, The Verge and Wired, Doublepoint’s technology has been recognized as groundbreaking for advancing human-computer interactions through wrist-based wearable devices. With a commitment to innovation and user experience, Doublepoint’s solutions empower consumers, researchers and developers to explore new possibilities in the world of wearable technology. For more information, visit and follow @Doublepointlab on Instagram, LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter) and YouTube.

Doublepoint Technologies debuts WowMouse AR at AWE 2024, transforming Android smartwatches into powerful augmented reality gestural input devices that enhance users’ experiences with Magic Leap 2. (Photo: Business Wire)

Doublepoint Technologies debuts WowMouse AR at AWE 2024, transforming Android smartwatches into powerful augmented reality gestural input devices that enhance users’ experiences with Magic Leap 2. (Photo: Business Wire)

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