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New Sports Subvention Scheme Launches for Community Sports Development Applications Open Until January 2025.


New Sports Subvention Scheme Launches for Community Sports Development Applications Open Until January 2025.


New Sports Subvention Scheme Launches for Community Sports Development Applications Open Until January 2025.

2024-12-05 11:40 Last Updated At:11:48

LCSD's Subvention Scheme for New Sports in year 2025-26 opens for application from today

To implement the policy measure relating to boosting sports promotion in the community as announced in the 2024 Policy Address, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) will regularise the Pilot Scheme on Subvention for New Sports and launch the Subvention Scheme for New Sports (SSNS) in 2025-26 for application by eligible sports organisations. The measure will support the long-term development of new sports. The SSNS is open for application from today (December 5) until January 13, 2025.

The SSNS follows the modes of operation of the Pilot Scheme to provide subvention to local sports organisations for promoting new sports on a project base. Each successful applicant sports organisation will be offered a maximum of $200,000 ($180,000 for the year 2024-25), or 85 per cent of the total eligible expenditure of the individual activity, whichever is lower.

A sports organisation wishing to apply for the subvention must be a non-profit-making organisation with Articles of Association registered as a company limited by guarantee under the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622). The new sport under application must be distinct from the sports/disciplines currently solely governed by national sports associations under the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China. The applicant organisation must also be recognised by and affiliated to the international federation, Asian federation, regional federation or recognised by the General Administration of Sport of China, and have successful experience in organising sports development programmes of various levels and types with active public participation in the past two-year period of 2023 to 2024.

Applicant sports organisations will also need to provide a comprehensive long-term development and promotion plan, as well as relevant information on their competency in organising and arranging programmes. A well-established governance structure with transparent and accountable policies should also be in place and widely recognised by the sports sector.

Priority will be given to the sports organisations that have never received subvention from the Pilot Scheme. If applicant sports organisations have previously received subvention from the Pilot Scheme, the LCSD will take into consideration their past performance and records when vetting their applications.

For enquiries, please contact the Sports Funding Office of the LCSD at 2601 8756 or email Please visit the LCSD's website( for details.

Follow-up on incident of water turned red in Tuen Mun River

The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) and the Drainage Services Department (DSD) are following up on the incident that the water of Tuen Mun River was found red.

The EPD received a report at around 5pm today (February 15), stating that some water of Tuen Mun River had turned red. The EPD and the DSD immediately arranged staff to the scene for investigation.

Investigating officers found that the river water had resumed normal and was no longer red. No fish deaths were found at the scene. On-site tests also showed that the water quality indicators (including pH levels, dissolved oxygen, etc) remained normal. The EPD staff have collected water samples for further investigations.

Initial investigation revealed that there was draining pipe testing with red dye powder. The DSD had confirmed that it did not conduct any dye testing there. The EPD and the DSD will continue to follow up on the incident.

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