Health Bureau responds to commencement of recruitment of Chief Executive by Hospital Authority
In respect of the Hospital Authority (HA) initiating the process to recruit a Chief Executive to succeed Dr Tony Ko, who has indicated that he will not seek continued employment after the term of his contract ends in July this year, the Secretary for Health, Professor Lo Chung-mau, expressed today (January 23) his high recognition of and gratitude to Dr Ko for his contributions to the public healthcare system.
Professor Lo said, "I deeply appreciate the contributions made by Dr Tony Ko to the development of the public healthcare system over the past six years in his capacity as the Chief Executive of the HA. During this period, the HA faced numerous major challenges, especially the COVID-19 epidemic, which put tremendous and unprecedented pressure on the public healthcare system. Dr Ko did his utmost to lead the HA in its response to the challenges brought about by every wave of the epidemic, guiding staff of the HA to serve the community in concerted efforts. His work is highly commendable.
"Dr Ko has also stepped up efforts to enhance the management and efficiency of the public healthcare system, raising the quality, safety and effectiveness of the HA's services, and has supported multiple government policies and explored more collaboration opportunities in healthcare with the Mainland and the rest of the world while improving services so that Hong Kong can give better play to its unique role and contribute to the healthcare development of the country. Dr Ko has made great contributions to the public healthcare system. I wish him every success in his future endeavours after leaving the post of Chief Executive of the HA."
Results of monthly survey on business situation of small and medium-sized enterprises for January 2025
The Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) released today (February 11) the results of the Monthly Survey on Business Situation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) for January 2025.
The current diffusion index (DI) on business receipts amongst SMEs decreased from 43.9 in December 2024 in the contractionary zone to 43.1 in January 2025, whereas the one-month's ahead (i.e. February 2025) outlook DI on business receipts was 43.8. Analysed by sector, the current DIs on business receipts for many surveyed sectors dropped in January 2025 as compared with previous month, particularly for the logistics (from 42.4 to 38.5) and business services (from 48.4 to 45.6).
The current DI on new orders for the import and export trades decreased from 46.5 in December 2024 to 46.1 in January 2025, whereas the outlook DI on new orders in one month's time (i.e. February 2025) was 46.9.
A Government spokesman said that overall business sentiment among SMEs and their expectations on the business situation in one month's time eased back alongside increased uncertainties in the external environment in January. Yet, the overall employment situation remained stable.
The spokesman added that uncertainties in the global economy would continue to pose challenges to the business environment. Nevertheless, the Central Government's various measures to boost the Mainland economy and benefit Hong Kong, as well as the Special Administrative Region Government's initiatives to lift market sentiment and promote economic development should provide support to business sentiment. The Government will monitor the situation closely.
Further information
The Monthly Survey on Business Situation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises aims to provide a quick reference, with minimum time lag, for assessing the short-term business situation faced by SMEs. SMEs covered in this survey refer to establishments with fewer than 50 persons engaged. Respondents were asked to exclude seasonal fluctuations in reporting their views. Based on the views collected from the survey, a set of diffusion indices (including current and outlook diffusion indices) is compiled. A reading above 50 indicates that the business condition is generally favourable, whereas that below 50 indicates otherwise. As for statistics on the business prospects of prominent establishments in Hong Kong, users may refer to the publication entitled "Report on Quarterly Business Tendency Survey" released by the C&SD.
The results of the survey should be interpreted with care. The survey solicits feedback from a panel sample of about 600 SMEs each month and the survey findings are thus subject to sample size constraint. Views collected from the survey refer only to those of respondents on their own establishments rather than those on the respective sectors they are engaged in. Besides, in this type of opinion survey on expected business situation, the views collected in the survey are affected by the events in the community occurring around the time of enumeration, and it is difficult to establish precisely the extent to which respondents' perception of the business situation accords with the underlying trends. For this survey, main bulk of the data were collected around the last week of the reference month.
More detailed statistics are given in the "Report on Monthly Survey on the Business Situation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises". Users can browse and download the publication at the website of the C&SD (
Users who have enquiries about the survey results may contact Industrial Production Statistics Section of the C&SD (Tel: 3903 7246; email: