美國加州洛杉磯遭受野火肆虐,許多建築物被摧毀,更傳出救災缺水問題。億萬富豪瑞斯尼克夫婦(Stewart and Lynda Resnick)因是加州最大的水資源使用者,極高消耗水量引爭議。
據外媒報導,瑞斯尼克夫婦擁有多家公司,包括全美最大的食品公司之一「The Wonderful Company」,該公司每年消耗高達1500億加侖(約5678億公升)的水,主要用於種植杏仁、開心果和石榴等水需量大的作物,這些水量佔據了洛杉磯92%的供水。
Remember the people murdered and displaced by the California fires every time you see these brands.
— DR JANE RUBY™️ (@RealDrJaneRuby) January 12, 2025
These are the companies owned by the Lynda & Stuart Resnick, a billionaire couple that own all the water in California, there is no municipal ownership, they gave it away for… pic.twitter.com/xeYtfe8dD9
此外,瑞斯尼克夫婦還是加州最大地下水儲存設施克恩水庫的最大股東,持股比例高達57%。這座原為公共用水儲存設施的水庫後來被轉交給私人企業,包括瑞斯尼克夫妻的Westside Mutual Water Company,這種水資源控制引起批評認為他們將公共資源私有化,支持自家的農業帝國,使普通民眾在乾旱及火災時期面臨用水限制。
Stop #antisemitic #conspiracytheories like this one from spreading like #wildfire #LAFires Claims about a billionaire couple hurting efforts to fight the LA fires via their ‘control’ of the water supply are false https://t.co/xMZgpOibcF
— Marisa Fox (@marisafox) January 12, 2025
One billionaire couple owns almost all water in California. The family donates SIGNIFICANTLY to Democratic candidates
— Wall Street Apes (@WallStreetApes) January 10, 2025
You won’t believe this, in 2021 they made a huge donation to Gavin Newsom to fight against his recall
Lynda and Stewart Resnick own roughly 60% of California's… pic.twitter.com/mRaYVsurnU
