麵包車曾經的擁有者,24歲的普雷斯頓(Preston Martin)接受採訪時表示:「那輛麵包車簡直就是魔法,這情況實在是匪夷所思...它成為了一盞照亮希望的明燈,太令人驚奇了。周圍的一切都被烤焦、摧毀,而這輛明亮的藍色麵包車卻完好如初停在那裡。」

為這輛麵包車取名為「Azul」 西班牙語中意思為「藍色」
普雷斯頓在加州大學聖塔芭芭拉分校(UCSB)機械工程系就讀三年級時,買下這輛1977年福斯2型(Volkswagen Type 2)麵包車,對其進行內部裝修後,住在裡面省下房租,度過大學最後一年。
Volkswagen van survives Palisades fire in Los Angeles.
— Steve Holland (@Xsteveholl) January 15, 2025
“There is magic in that van,” previous owner Preston Martin,, told AP. “It makes no sense why this happened. It should have been toasted, but here we are.”
Martin purchased the 1977 Volkswagen Type 2 somewhat on a whim… pic.twitter.com/Nk3FTcIQ4h
去年夏天,普雷斯頓將車輛轉售給29歲的朋友兼商業夥伴梅根(Megan Krystle Weinraub)。當朋友一同去衝浪時,為這輛麵包車取名為「Azul」,西班牙語中的「藍色」,成為大家共同的回憶。
“Preston Martin figured the retro blue Volkswagen bus he slept in for a year during college was a goner, given that he parked it in a Malibu neighborhood just before the Palisades fire ripped through, reducing homes and cars to rubble and charred metal.”
— CAL WIRE (@calwireupdates) January 15, 2025
A blue Volkswagen Bus… pic.twitter.com/vnVx4opASN
Preston Martin figured the retro BLUE Volkswagen van he slept in for a year during college was a goner, given that he parked it in a Malibu neighborhood just before the Palisades fire ripped through, reducing homes and cars to rubble and charred metal.
— Music Never Stopped (@musicplayedband) January 15, 2025
So the surfboard maker was… pic.twitter.com/Q5zZ4zoNVk
