China’s Foreign Ministry urged the United States and Japan to stop disturbing peace, security and stability in the Asia-Pacific region, following the release of a joint statement involving China's foreign policy issued by the U.S. and Japan after their "2+2" talks in Tokyo on Monday.
"The joint statement issued by Japan and the U.S. lacks factual basis. The statement frames and attacks China's domestic and foreign policies and grossly interferes in China's internal affairs. The statement falsely accuses China on maritime issues and points fingers at China's normal military development and defense policy. The statement propagates the 'China threat’ narrative and uses scare tactics with talk of regional tensions. China deplores and opposes it,” said Lin Jian, a spokesman for China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Noting that China is always a force for world peace, a contributor to global development and a defender of international order, Lin said China is committed to the path of peaceful development and a defense policy that is defensive in nature.
China's defense development and military activities are justified and reasonable and China always keeps its nuclear strength at the minimum level required by national security and does not pose a threat to any country, the spokesman said.
"It is Japan and the U.S. that are pursuing their agenda at the expense of other countries' security interests and the welfare of people in the Asia-Pacific. The U.S. and Japan keep emphasizing regional peace and security and a rule-based order, and all the while they are ganging up to form exclusive clubs, engage in group politics, incite bloc confrontation, and disrupt regional peace, security and stability. On top of that, Japan and the U.S. have been seeking to strengthen the Cold War relic of 'extended deterrence,' and developing the so-called 'nuclear deterrence.' This will drive up regional tensions and trigger nuclear proliferation and conflict risks," said Lin.
He pointed out that issues related to Taiwan, Hong Kong, Xinjiang, and Xizang are purely China's internal affairs and brook no external interference.
The biggest threat to cross-Strait peace at present is the separatist activities of 'Taiwan independence' forces and the external connivance and support they receive, Lin said, adding that if Japan and the U.S. truly care about cross-Strait peace and stability, what they should do is uphold the one-China principle, oppose "Taiwan independence" separatism, and support China's reunification.
China will always defend its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests and be committed to properly settling bilateral maritime issues with countries directly concerned through dialogue and consultation, Lin said.
He stressed that the real provocative actions are the constant meddling by the U.S. and other countries outside the region, including their muscle flexing in waters off China's coast, including the East and South China Seas.
"We call on the U.S. and Japan to immediately stop interfering in China's internal affairs, stop creating confrontation, stop triggering a new Cold War, do what is conducive to regional strategic stability, and not become a source of danger and disruption for peace and tranquility in the Asia-Pacific," Lin said.