唔知大家記唔記得9月8號發出左長達16小時35分鐘嘅黑色暴雨警告信號,全港好多地方都水浸, 又有山泥傾瀉, 而最嚴重嘅地方就係黃大仙地鐵站同埋黃大仙北館。

但係大家知道點樣用英文形容 落大雨嘅日子?快啲跟小編一齊學下啦!

1.天文台  Hong Kong Observatory

2.雷暴警告 Thunderstorm Warning

3.山泥傾瀉警告 Landslip Warning

4.黃色暴雨警告信號 Amber Rainstorm Warning Signal

5.紅色暴雨警告信號 Red Rainstorm Warning Signal

6.黑色暴雨警告信號Black Rainstorm Warning Signal

7.傾盆大雨 Downpour

8.陣雨 Scattered Showers

9. 洪水 Flooding

10.完全濕透 Drenched

The city also marked its longest black rainstorm warning, with the highest-level alert in force for more than 12 hours by noon. The longest black rain warning previously was in 1999, which lasted five hours and 47 minutes.The Observatory cancelled all signals at 4.45pm, after downgrading the black warning at 3.40pm to amber, the lowest level in the three-tier system.A total of 132 people, aged between eight years and 94, were treated in hospital, as of 5pm, including two men and two women in serious condition.

The MTR Corporation suspended services between Shek Kip Mei and Choi Hung because of flooding near the Wong Tai Sin section of the Kwun Tong line.

Trains from Choi Hung to Tiu Keng Leng will be maintained at 12-minute intervals and those from Whampoa to Shek Kip Mei will run every six minutes. The rail giant said it could not provide shuttle buses because of the weather.

The highest measurement of rainfall in an hour was reported since records began in 1884, with 158.1mm (6.2 inches) of rain recorded at the Observatory headquarters between 11pm and midnight on Thursday.

The black rainstorm alert was issued on Thursday night, the first since October 2021.

The torrential rain, which continued into Friday morning, also forced the closure of border control points at Heung Yuen Wai and Man Kam To, as well as services at city immigration offices, all public clinics and postal operations.











雖然落大雨有機會發出紅色或黑色,所以全港學生哥都唔使返學,但大家記住落大雨嘅時候要小心, 留意附近交通情況, 預返多啲返工返學啊~!

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Spencer Lam

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