國際英語語言測試系統(IELTS), 又稱雅思考試,是世界上最廣泛認可的英語水平測試之一。 雅思考試的其中一個部分是寫作任務 1 - 它要求考生根據視覺或基於數據的提示編寫描述性報告。 在此任務中,您有 20 分鐘的時間分析並撰寫一份至少 150 字的報告。

這裡有 10 個最終提示,可幫助您在雅思寫作任務 1 中脫穎而出:

總之,這些技巧將幫助您清楚地了解您的期望,並為您提供結構化的報告撰寫方法,從而幫助您在雅思寫作任務1 中脫穎而出。 請記住,熟能生巧,因此請務必定期練習您的寫作技巧,以提高您在雅思考試中的表現。

這裡有一篇雅思寫作任務 1 的例子和範文:

Example 1:

Task: The bar chart below shows the percentage of adults who regularly participated in sports in Canada from 1985 to 2010.

Sample Essay:

The bar chart depicts the trend of adults regularly participating in sports in Canada from 1985 to 2010. In 1985, about 20% of adults were involved in sports, which 哈had gradually increased to around 30% by 1990. This trend continued, with the percentage reaching its peak at about 40% in 2000. However, there was a slight decline in the following years, with the percentage dropping to 35% by 2010.

Overall, the bar chart demonstrates an upward trend in the percentage of adults who regularly participated in sports in Canada over 25 years. The significant increase from 20% in 1985 to 40% in 2000 highlights the growing popularity of sports among Canadian adults. However, the slight decline in the following years suggests that this trend may have levelled off.

Spencer Lam

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