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留港抗疫忽發奇想 英國跑手在家跑全馬籌款


留港抗疫忽發奇想 英國跑手在家跑全馬籌款


留港抗疫忽發奇想 英國跑手在家跑全馬籌款

2020年04月01日 11:20 最後更新:11:20


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petercooper92 Instagram圖片

一名由英國返港的跑手 Peter Cooper近期在家中抗疫,他選擇在隔離 14 日期間完成創舉,留在家中跑全馬,為一間關注精神健康的機構籌得 500 英鎊善款。

28 歲的英籍跑手 Peter Cooper 本身是網上旅遊平台公司的員工,早前由英國返港居家隔離。原本是平平無奇的日子,他忽發奇想在家中跑「室內馬拉松」。一開始是在家中約4米的距離來回跑步,後來改為在屋中央擺一張餐桌繞圈跑,最後以 4 小時 29 分鐘完成全馬途程,更加直播片段與朋友們分享。

petercooper92 Instagram圖片

petercooper92 Instagram圖片

petercooper92 Instagram圖片

petercooper92 Instagram圖片

是次室內全馬的行動,為關注精神健康的機構 Mind 籌得 500 英鎊善款。Peter Cooper 表示,在跑步過程中想起離世的母親及另一位馬拉松跑友,他希望今次活動令自己保持活躍,喚醒大眾關注精神健康議題。

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petercooper92 Instagram圖片

在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

Today wasn’t about me completing a marathon, today was about raising awareness of three very important charities close to my heart @mindcharity, @clicsargent and @cardiomyopathyuk. @cardiomyopathyuk a charity so close to my heart who really have helped me with the lost of my mum. My three marathons got cancelled this year and this was to make my mum proud in 2020! @mindcharity as some of you know, I’m on a quarantine tag and can’t leave my flat for 14 days, for those who know me well will know how mad I’m sending my wife @amylcooper19. For me, exercise helps my mental health and I know it helps others but currently we need people to be kind and reach out to anyone they know who may be alone or struggling during this time. A short call to a loved one could go a long way or even a short walk for fresh air could too. Thanks for your support to help me complete this. If you want to donate please go to either for @cardiomyopathyuk or for @mindcharity. I also did this in memory of my Mum and also best friend @will_utv l. My best mate @george_falck is also doing an amazing job of raising huge funds for @clicsargent and if you want to donate to this also, that would be great This photo is me with my mums @bostonmarathon medal and my @marathonrotterdam which I ran with Will! #running #motivation #mentalhealth #cardiomyopathy #staysafe #washyourhands #bekind

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