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#WeArePolyU - When did you find your calling in medical and humanitarian relief work? — “In my final year at PolyU, my classmates and I provided healthcare education services in a rural village in the Chinese mainland under the University’s Service-Learning programme. This experience helped me understand that no matter how scarce are the resources around, I can still bring quality healthcare services to people in need.” — Cheuk-pong joined Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) as an expatriate nurse in 2013 and has committed to provide nursing care to people affected by war and infectious diseases, as well as communities with limited healthcare resources. He has also participated in field missions delivering emergency aid in countries including Pakistan, West Africa, Yemen, with a firm belief that nursing care has no boundaries. — Cheuk-pong Chiu │ School of Nursing alumnus @PolyU_Nursing — #PolyU #PolyUalumni #alumni #alumnus #hongkong #hkig #university #reliefwork #DoctorsWithoutBorders #healthcare #nursingcare #nursing #nurse #servicelearning #MédecinsSansFrontières #OpeningMinds #ShapingtheFuture #啟迪思維 #成就未來 @DoctorsWithoutBorders @medicisenzafrontiere #MSF

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#WeArePolyU - What motivates you to participate in voluntary work? — “Happiness! Apart from bringing joy to the needy, voluntary work also gives me strength to overcome negative thoughts!” — Sammi was once unsociable due to a severe condition of eczema and stress from studying. With the encouragement from her teacher, she started to join voluntary work to care for the needy and stray animals. These experiences empowered her to open up and her eczema has improved gradually. — Now a PolyU Physiotherapy student, Sammi is keen to take part in and organise voluntary services. She is recently selected as an awardee of the 2018-19 Hong Kong Outstanding Youth Volunteers Scheme. — Sammi Lau @sammilsm_ │ Department of Rehabilitation Sciences student — #PolyUspring #PolyUstudent #student #PolyU #hongkong #hkig #university #socialwork #socialresponsibility #education #voluntarywork #volunteer #eczema #physiotherapy #OpeningMinds #ShapingtheFuture #啟迪思維 #成就未來

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Why do a #10yearchallenge when you can actually do a #100yearchallenge? Here is to many more hundred years to come! #HKU #TiesWithHKU #ThriveWithHKU #hkumainbuilding #HKUintl

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