



金Samuel爸爸Jose Arredondo(網上圖片)

金Samuel爸爸Jose Arredondo(網上圖片)

曾經以SEVENTEEN預備成員接受訓練的金Samuel,在因年紀太小退出後,其後一度以兩人組合1PUNCH出道。但面對另一位成員ONE簽約YG娛樂,金Samuel繼續個人活動。為了拼正式出道的機會,他更加入《Produce 101》第二季再以練習生活動,即使最終無法加入Wanna One也以個人歌手身份出道,最近卻因公司管理問題,金Samuel媽媽單方面提出了合約無效,並帶了金Samuel去美國重新出發,讓人覺得金Samuel後台强勁。





即使金Samuel從未開口提爸爸的身份,單憑過往金媽媽在家拍攝的影片,大眾已知金Samuel家境顯赫。事實上,金Samuel爸爸是美國貝克斯菲爾德的著名商人Jose Arredondo,為當地5個汽車品牌的經銷商、並擁有房地產公司、電視製造廠、墨西哥餐館、高爾夫球場等。金Samuel爸爸也曾在影片中邀請兒子出鏡。

但就在今日,傳出了金Samuel爸爸Jose Arredondo在墨西哥住所遇害的消息。根據Jose Arredondo的友人表示,在當地時間星期一晚,有人入侵了Jose Arredondo的住所,並把他殺害,至於死因仍在調查中。對於如此傷心的消息,希望金Samuel和家人能節哀順便。

在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

My dear friend Jose May you RIP. Lord hear our prayers 🙏🏻 candle 🕯 I am almost at lost for words to feel this pain in my heart and soul. We live for the moments and loved ones not to forget. I will forever be grateful for our friendship. You taught me so many things and you were always positive and uplifting to everyone the most genuine generous friend that I was able to receive unconditional support, love, advice, a real true friend one could always and forever have depended and counted on. I believe you were a true inspiration for so many really everyone you were always so giving and not just monetarily but also spiritually. If someone really knew who you were they would’ve loved who you were. Twelve years of our friendship and now I have the memories to stay with me for life. I thank you for being a true legend and helping so many people all over the world I saw the movement and the good spirit in you Jose. God watch over and bless your soul and be with your two children and family through this hard time and all the time. My love and respects I will never forget the time in #Cabo #sanlucas you jumped off your #yacht to teach me how to swim with the sharks. Guess what? I still don’t know how to physically swim till this day, lol but with You as a mentor and a true leader that you were you taught me to survive in any situation and I will never forget that. Mucho te amo mi amigo #familymotors #josearredondo #mexico #lafamilia #mucho #teamo #mexicangovernment #kerncountybpd #micorazón

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